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Log Search Specification

Logs are broken down into two discrete concepts: messages and attributes. Given the following log:'Queried table', { table: 'users', query: 'hello', }),

The log message is Queried table and the attributes are table:users and query:hello.

Searching for logs

For general information on searching logs, check out our Search docs.

To search for a log message, simply type the text of the message. Given the following log:"excluding session due to no user interaction events")

We can find this log by typing excluding session due to no user interaction events.

Autoinjected attributes

By default, Highlight's SDKs will autoinject attributes to provide additional context as well as assisting in linking sessions and errors to their respective logs.

code.filepathFile path emitting the log./build/backend/worker/worker.go
code.functionFunction emitting the*Worker).Start.func3
code.linenoLine number of the file where the log was emitted.20
environmentThe environment specified in the SDKproduction
levelThe log levelinfo
messageThe log messagepublic-graph graphql request failed
os.descriptionDescription of the operating systemAlpine Linux 3.17.2 (Linux 5.10.167-147.601.amzn2.aarch64 #1 SMP Tue Feb 14 21:50:23 UTC 2023 aarch64)
os.typeType of operating systemlinux
service_nameName of the service specified in the SDKprivate-graph
service_versionVersion of the service specified in the SDKe1845285cb360410aee05c61dd0cc57f85afe6da
span.idSpan id that contains this log528a54addf6f91cc