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Session Search

In, you can search for a session by any of the data you send us (via the SDK) throughout a session. The data you send us can be in the form of:

  • click data

We cover how search/instrumentation for each type of these queries works below.

Track Searching

For track calls, you can search for sessions based on the properties that have a type of track. This looks like the following:

Identify Searching

For identify calls, you can search for sessions based on the properties that have a name of identify, and the value corresponds to the value sent to the first argument of H.init (see here). This looks like the following.

Searching by User Clicks

When using Highlight, you might be interested in querying for sessions where a user clicked a certain HTML element. Highlight records users' clicks on the page as two queryable properties: clickSelector and clickInnerText.

  • clickSelector is the HTML Element's target's selector, concatinating the element's tag, id and class values.

  • clickTextContent is the HTML Element's target's textContent property. Only the first 2000 characters are sent.

You can then use the session filters to search for text in the two fields. An example of what the clickSelector filter looks like is below:

Searching by Visited URL

You can also search for sessions based on the URL that the user visited. This is useful if you want to search for sessions where a user visited a certain page on your site.

To perform this search, you can use the Visited URL filter. This looks like the following:

And like all of our filters, you can use contains, does not contain, is, and is not, etc..